Our Pastoral Family
Pastor Susan Collins
Pastor Susan Collins is an Ordained Minister in the Church of God. Growing up as a Church of God Pastor’s daughter, she has served in the past as an associate and youth Pastor. With several years as lead Pastor in ministry, she has a passion for God and a heart for people. She is a devoted wife, mother, and plays piano and sings. Pastor Susan serves as Senior Co- Pastor with an evangelistic heart. She desires to see souls won to Christ and made disciples through the teaching and training of the local church. She has traveled around the state speaking at Ladies Retreats and conducting Revivals. Pastor Susan graduated the Ministerial Internship Program in 2009 and earned several college credits in ministerial studies. She has attended the School of Ministry and is now an online student with Lee University located in Cleveland Tennessee.
Pastor Herb Collins
Pastor Herb is an Exhorter Minister with the Church of God. He is a devoted husband and father and currently serves as the church administrator. He also serves as the Men’s Ministries president, Sunday school superintendent and the sound technician for the church. He plays bass guitar. Bro. Collins has proven to be a great worker in the Kingdom of God and desires to see Men step up to the plate in the home, workplace and church. He currently works with the Bamberg County Office of Aging as Transportation Supervisor and is Co -Owner and operator of a family Deer Processing Business with his Mother.
The Collins Family
Pastors Herb and Susan have two children, Austin and Sara. They are thankful that God’s promises are faithful. Austin graduated from Bamberg Earnhardt High School where he excelled in football and weightlifting as he won the 2011 state title in the J.V. Weightlifting Competition. He now works as an electrical contractor and serves his community as a volunteer firefighter. Their daughter Sara is learning to play the piano and loves working with children. The Collins Family desires to see more marriages and families succeed in the generation in which we live. Many pressures of life come against the family unit and the enemy works hard to destroy homes and wreck the lives of the people we love most. The Church is comprised of family units and everything that affects the church begins within the homes of the parishioners. Pastors Herb and Susan have been married since September 11, 1988 and understand the joys and struggles that come with the family unit, therefore a lot of emphasis on the family is taught through their ministry. Although our pastors have different roles in ministry, they are one in purpose. It’s their sincere desire to see souls saved for the kingdom of God and see lives transformed by His supernatural power.